lego birthday party
For his birthday this year, P chose a Lego themed. This is not to be confused with the Super Mario Brothers Lego party we had a few years back. This was all things Lego and somehow that made it tougher. At least with Super Mario Brothers, there seems to be a plethora of birthday party paraphernalia, from themed balloons to favors to cake decor. With a broad Lego theme, there seem to be little general Lego swag. So in most ways, I had to create the stuff myself.
Favor Bags
I went to Michael’s and picked up these yellow bags. I also picked up some of these yellow foam sheets. Believe it or not, an old plastic Easter egg is the perfect size for the little circle cutouts. I regretted this immediately when I realized I was making 11 bags (66 circles!!). My hand hurt SO much, but in the end it was worth it. Don’t you think? They are super cute and look just like Lego bricks.
Favor Swag
More on-theme swag
From Etsy seller MadeHappyUSA. Great favor bag swag.
I hate useless favor swag. I hate when P brings it home and I hate giving it to my friend’s kids so they too have something to throw away the week after the party. I try to add things that they will use or eat, such as pencils, bubbles, bags of pretzels, or some fun summer item that hopefully they can hang onto for more than a week. That said, P went to Party City with me and I came home with a few extra trinkets I wasn’t expecting to buy. I couldn’t say no.
I found this great shop on Etsy called MadeHappyUSA that makes brick key chains and thought those would come in handy for the kiddos.
Again, weirdly slim pickings for Lego decor. Most of what I found was “brick” decor, not Lego. So we tried the dollar store first. We decided to use primary colors for the table clothes, plates, and cups. We hit the jackpot with these yellow bins that look close enough to Lego brick heads.. I simply used construction paper to make the faces. We’ll use the buckets for snack food like pretzels, chips, and gummy snacks.
We also found these paper lanterns and I again used construction paper to make faces for them. We’ll hang them from the patio umbrella outside, weather permitting.
For balloons, I used to put a grouping together myself, but this year, I’ve been so busy with work, I decided to forgo this. P is unhappy because he loves blowing up balloons with me - really he likes sucking in helium and making funny voices with me. After that one year I realized the balloons only stay up for about 8 hours, I usually just blow them up with air and attach them to the balloon tape. Again, too busy this year, so I’m letting Party City do the work and deliver the balloons.
The Cake
Here’s my trial run of candy melt bricks. I love them!
This year P wants an ice cream cake. Yes, I thought about making it, but because we have a side-by-side refrigerator (the only type that works for me since I use a wheelchair), there is no room for an ice cream cake the size I need. My husband nudged me in the direction of just buying one. I acquiesced knowing how busy I’ve been with work and life these days. That said, I still wanted to put my personal Lego touch on it.
I found these great silicon candy brick molds and used candy melts from Michael’s to make candy bricks for P’s cake. I’ll definitely update this post to show the finished cake!
Cake decorations from MadeHappyUSA
That same shop I bought the brick key chains from also had Happy Birthday, name, and number in brick form. I just thought these were so cute and will look great on P’s cake!