““Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.””
getting our minds out of the gutter
Step 4,023 of modernizing a 1960s ranch house: Gutters over the patio to prevent damage. I’m not a huge fan of gutters, but read on about the rationale and the great company we hired for installation.
instantly organize and free up space
I’m not a big New Year’s resolution person, but after the chaos of Christmas clutter, I am really big on organizing and freeing up space. I find when my house is cluttered, my mind feels the same. I feel distracted by the need to clean, rather than do other fun things, like spending time with my family. Here’s a few things I do to keep things organized and free of clutter.
7 cleaning hacks for everyday
Not only because I use a wheelchair, but also because I want to use more environmentally friendly products (not always, but I’m trying), I have developed a few cleaning hacks, tips and tricks over the years that others might find useful.