““Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.””
getting our minds out of the gutter
Step 4,023 of modernizing a 1960s ranch house: Gutters over the patio to prevent damage. I’m not a huge fan of gutters, but read on about the rationale and the great company we hired for installation.
my favorite amazon products
I’m sharing my most favorite Amazon purchases. Things I’ve purchased from Amazon, that have lasted the test of time, are a good value, and in some cases, I’ve purchased again (such as in a different color).
instantly organize and free up space
I’m not a big New Year’s resolution person, but after the chaos of Christmas clutter, I am really big on organizing and freeing up space. I find when my house is cluttered, my mind feels the same. I feel distracted by the need to clean, rather than do other fun things, like spending time with my family. Here’s a few things I do to keep things organized and free of clutter.
7 cleaning hacks for everyday
Not only because I use a wheelchair, but also because I want to use more environmentally friendly products (not always, but I’m trying), I have developed a few cleaning hacks, tips and tricks over the years that others might find useful.
fall fireplace decorating
I love changing out my summer pillow covers for something with a fall theme, busting out my warm throw blankets for cool nights with the windows open, remaking the bed with my warmer winter linens, and giving my mantle a fall makeover.
products you’ll love, whether you’re disabled or not
Due to my disability, an over-the-counter/out-of the box item is almost never an option. You’ll understand more as I explain a few products I absolutely love as a person with a disability, but that I think anyone who isn’t disabled will love too.
weird shit 2
Who knew we’d be here again discussing more weird shit, but when renovating a 1960s ranch that was primarily used as a rental for more than a dozen years, weird shit happens.
the kitchen - the beginning
This is the first in a series of posts about the kitchen because between a blown budget right at the start, the pandemic, and just weird stuff cropping up in an old house, it took us over a year to finish this kitchen.
8 things I learned from renovating kitchens
I’ve renovated 3 kitchens and helped construction on another. I have learned a few things that I want to share to save you money and heartache.
floored - ides of march
The Ides of March (i.e., 15th of March), signifies different things, spring, a full moon, or in Shakespearean terms, and in our case a bad omen.
walkway that’s a ramp, if you’re so inclined
Some of the first projects we tackled in renovating our home were accessibility upgrades.
weird sh*t
When renovating a home, you're going to run into some weird shit. Well, snagging a 1960s ranch home in New England, my husband and I ran into our own set of issues.