““Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.””
building closet shelves
I’d had enough of toys everywhere, so we built custom shelving for our son’s room. It only took part of one weekend and was really inexpensive! Check out the how-to.
getting our minds out of the gutter
Step 4,023 of modernizing a 1960s ranch house: Gutters over the patio to prevent damage. I’m not a huge fan of gutters, but read on about the rationale and the great company we hired for installation.
saving on electricity
I just received an email notification from National Grid, our electricity provider, that our electric bill is about to jump over last year’s winter bill by 63%. SIXTY-THREE F’N PERCENT. Here’s a few immediate things, and a few long-term things you can do to lower your monthly electric bill. Some are obvious, some might be things you haven’t thought of yet.