““Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.””
dinosaur birthday party
I hardly know a little kid (or adult) that doesn’t like dinosaurs. So I was so excited when P decided he wanted a dino-themed birthday party.
Baking with the kiddos
P and I started baking together 6 years ago. It’s been a great way to spend time together, bake good snacks, and even learn math and science!
easter gifts that aren’t candy or crap
Holidays are tough. We try to follow some guidelines that help us pick gifts for our little guy, and maybe they’ll help you too.
motherhood, work, and the pandemic
I see so many articles out there asking the same question: “Is the pandemic tougher on women, especially working moms?” The answer: A resounding YES. In point of fact, it really sucks.