““Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.””
8 things I learned from renovating kitchens
I’ve renovated 3 kitchens and helped construction on another. I have learned a few things that I want to share to save you money and heartache.
floored - ides of march
The Ides of March (i.e., 15th of March), signifies different things, spring, a full moon, or in Shakespearean terms, and in our case a bad omen.
the veg patch 2021
We started the Veg Patch in 2020 as a result of it being the end of winter, oh and a freakin' pandemic.
motherhood, work, and the pandemic
I see so many articles out there asking the same question: “Is the pandemic tougher on women, especially working moms?” The answer: A resounding YES. In point of fact, it really sucks.
walkway that’s a ramp, if you’re so inclined
Some of the first projects we tackled in renovating our home were accessibility upgrades.
weird sh*t
When renovating a home, you're going to run into some weird shit. Well, snagging a 1960s ranch home in New England, my husband and I ran into our own set of issues.