“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
— Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Food & Recipes, Food Lisa Hemmerle Food & Recipes, Food Lisa Hemmerle

to brine or not to brine? that is a question.

Let’s be honest. Turkey doesn’t taste like much. Okay, I expect some hate here. I didn’t say I don’t like turkey. In fact, I love it but let’s be honest, like a lot of pasta and most tofu, turkey is a delivery system for better tasting stuff, like gravy and cranberry sauce. If you don’t cook it right, turkey is a gamey, dry-ass bird with no flavor. I feel like there are two methods: dry-brining/basting, or brining.

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Crafts, Halloween, Holidays Lisa Hemmerle Crafts, Halloween, Holidays Lisa Hemmerle

dolores and zolores (the ghost sisters of Halloween)

Dolores is a “ghost” I created a few years ago to continue building our outdoor Halloween decor. When I decided to make a second Dolores or Dolores V2, I figured I would name her another old fashioned name, like Gwendolyn or Gertrude. Alas, my 8 year old had an opinion, and decided we should name her Zolores. The rest is, as they say, history.

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Shopping, Beauty Lisa Hemmerle Shopping, Beauty Lisa Hemmerle

target beauty finds I love

I fully admit I love makeup products. After many years of being a diehard Sephora fan, COVID, which kept me away from big malls, led me to hitting the Target for some products. Here’s a collection of hits and a few misses over the last year.

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Renovation & Home Decor Lisa Hemmerle Renovation & Home Decor Lisa Hemmerle

saving on electricity

I just received an email notification from National Grid, our electricity provider, that our electric bill is about to jump over last year’s winter bill by 63%. SIXTY-THREE F’N PERCENT. Here’s a few immediate things, and a few long-term things you can do to lower your monthly electric bill. Some are obvious, some might be things you haven’t thought of yet.

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Halloween, Holidays, Crafts Lisa Hemmerle Halloween, Holidays, Crafts Lisa Hemmerle


Anyone who knows me, or is one of our neighbors, knows my husband and I LOVE Halloween. Using the word “love” here. Even before we had a kiddo to celebrate with us, we had parties, decorating, visited Salem, MA and generally enjoyed Halloween. Now, with a kid, it’s even more fun. With the addition of getting costumes, trick or treating, giving out candy in a great trick or treat neighborhood, and “booing” which I didn’t know was a thing until 2020, it’s such a blast! 

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Gardening, Outdoors Lisa Hemmerle Gardening, Outdoors Lisa Hemmerle

checklist for fall

I’m in New England, and like nearly all New Englanders, I love fall. Though I am always sad to say goodbye to the beautiful long, hot days of summer, the suddenly crisp cool air is something I get excited about. Not only is it an opportunity to decorate a bit, which I love, it’s an opportunity to get the house, indoors and outdoors, ready for winter.

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