“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
— Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Lisa Hemmerle Lisa Hemmerle

get ready - the update

An update to my November 9th blog post. February 17th Update: We only a few weeks in. Let’s see where we’re at and what I got right and wrong. The thing is done. Here we are and here are some things you can do to protect yourself from some of the worst of the policies to come from the next presidential administration. 

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Lisa Hemmerle Lisa Hemmerle

finding the right car as a wheelchair user: a firsthand experience

Car shopping should be an exciting adventure, but for those of us who use wheelchairs, it’s often a frustrating and exhausting process. Here’s what I learned along the way, including the challenges with mobility programs, dealership knowledge, and the evolving design of modern vehicles.

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Lisa Hemmerle Lisa Hemmerle

get ready

The next administration is coming soon and it’s not all gonna be good. In fact, for many of us, it’s going to cost us a lot of money or put our health in danger. So a few of my thoughts on how to protect yourself.

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Work, Motherhood Lisa Hemmerle Work, Motherhood Lisa Hemmerle

hybrid and remote works

In person work has been the standard bearer of working, basically forever. COVID-19 changed that for a lot of us. However, simply calling people back to the office to sit their butts in a chair for 7-8 hours is both poor leadership and poor management strategy.

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Outdoors, Motherhood Lisa Hemmerle Outdoors, Motherhood Lisa Hemmerle

our solar journey

With the rising cost of utilities, I know a lot more people are considering upgrades to their homes including solar. I thought it would be helpful to discuss our solar journey and what a positive experience it has been.

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